2.1 Demonstration of Encoding Video for Various Resolutions and Platforms
What will happen when i encode the short film i made into resolutions and platforms?
Youtube is a Prime example when it comes to streaming and uploading media and encoding them into various platforms.
The video project that i've already uploaded to youtube are in these qualities:
My video on Youtube was exported in as 1080p, the user in this video can adjust the quality to help see the video better on whatever their device is, the number of pixels that are displayed on their screen will display the image differently, the higher number of pixels identified on the screen means that the image/video can automatically display it in different qualities (depending on how many pixels), the size of your device can affect the results on the resolutions displayed and a higher number of pixels might be required to display the image more clearly.
Here is an example: A video exported to a minimum 1080p HD will be more compatible to a HD television/other device if that device's resolution or screen size relies on that number of pixels to display a more clear image.
Video Exporting (for Youtube) allows for you to upload videos onto the actual website without costing any file storage on your device (like MB or GB etc.), the max length you can upload a video is 12 hours (that's a lot), the max file size you can upload to a computer is 128 GB and the site will accept certain video formats such as: 3GPP, AVI, FLV, MOV, MPEG4, MPEGPS, WebM and WMV. MPEG4 etc. These type of formats commonly uses the Mp4 File to allow the user to view the video, whilst Mp3 files do not visually show the video and only displays audio instead.
(Note some of the information is sourced by google and it is all written from research)
In Vimeo, the max file size for a video is limited to 500 MB per week for free users, in the pro upgraded version (yes that costs money) up to a whopping 256 GB.
The Max video length will vary on the file size so the statistics will be unknown until you find the results, the accepted video formats is: MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, MKV, 3GPP etc. Youtube and Vimeo are similar in various ways including their purposes as they are both American video sharing websites. Youtube supports 240p as it's Minimum Dimension (Aka the quality of the video) and 4K (HD), whilst Vimeo Supports 240p as the same Minimum Dimension as youtube but it's Maximum Dimension is a whopping 8k, thats double of the amount of pixels that will be displayed on a screen.
How I Exported my Video
After i completed my project i went to the files section and clicked Export;
You will need be signed in to an Account in order to publish the video, and so i have used a google account to sign in.
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