Film Proposal

 Video Proposal Idea


Rogue Humanity.


Action, Sci-fi, Fictional and some parts of Thriller.


Two Students in college are minding their business, without realizing they have obtained an unknown piece of tech which seems to function like a regular video camera. They have been approached by an Unknown figure that claims to have owned the property and that it is stolen from them. 

Both of these Students were confused as the figure familiar and has the looks of an Ex Student named Jason, little that they realize the figure is not who it seems and claims to be Working for an Organization known as the GPA (Government Protection Agency) and no one knows what they are or why they would want with the technology.

Both Students were abducted and were never to be seen again ever since. Who knows what will happen to them? 

Roles Available:

College Student 01 (Brad)

College Student 02 (Joel)

An Unknown Human/Robot-like Figure (AKA John's replacement)

Robot Unit 01

Robot Unit 02


Benjamin Inanc


Dear Sir/Madam, i am writing to you that i would personally like to make a low budget Film and make the creation of mine come to life, the film itself is full of Mystery, there are some twists that will shock the audience in awe. I am aiming for an audience that is over the age of 12 and then above as there are moments where it can get a little violent and that the language is mild, there is nothing that is brutal as there is no blood/gore etc.  

My plan that the film will be short and will last 2 or more minutes long, the cast is short and reasonable and it will not take too much resources to make a successful film, all we would need is a crew, 2 cameras (one as a prop), some three point lighting (Key, Back and Fill, a Tripod, a Microphone, A Greenscreen (one for the camera and one for a mac) and last but not least a working Mac for software, editing and publishing this amazing film. I really do hope we can make things work out, feel free to contact me and we can make an arrangement... 

Sincerely Benjamin Inanc      



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