How to use a Camera (Canon) 1.1: How it is Used,

Using a Camera (Canon) 

Step 1: To turn the camera on there is an on and off switch on the top right end above on the camera, flick the switch up if you want the camera switched on or flick the switch down if you wish to switch it off. Also take the cover off the lens so you can see what’s displayed on the screen.

Step 2: look at the Icons on the top of your camera, you can twist them left or right to select different modes, though personally it’s easier if you just use the regular photo and video mode since they are simple and are one of the most common uses in many movie projects.

Step 3: make sure you adjust the camera lens so it will help with focus by twisting it left or right, Behind the lenses you can twist the stick as well to help zoom in and out, or you can press the + button with the magnifying glass symbol. Press the + button a few times and it will zoom back out. 

Step 4: You can press the camera icon button once if you are taking a photo, you can press the camera button once if you are recording, you should see a red recording symbol on the screen, to stop recording press the button again and the symbol should disappear. And that’s basically how you record with a Canon.

Here is an example of how a video will turn out when you know how to use the camera correctly:

This is a video of two people (Me on the left) arguing/fighting, one is being overshadowed by the other.


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